Blood Star Gallery
The Art of Susan Taylor and Frank Ducote


(posted on 16 Aug 2024)

Dear friends of the Blood Star,

Our modest but mighty garlic harvest is drying on the clothes line and thoughts of redolent curries are coming to mind as we don our hoodies and anticipate the promised and much needed rain.

Fall may be on its way but art shows are still on the horizon for us.

The 25th anniversary show presented by the Southern Gulf Islands Arts Council takes place on Mayne Island August 23 to 25 and then online at August 26 to September 30. Frank will be showing This Old Boat, digitally painted photograph,18 x 24; and Susan will be showing The Importance of Plankton with Jelly, diptych, acrylic and resin on wood cradle, 20 x 10.

The Federation of Canadian Artists Small Exhibit takes place at the FCA Gallery on Granville Island September 24 to October 6. Susan's drawing A Nest for One, ink and watercolour on paper, framed 11 x 11 has been juried into the show.

And our own Blood Star Gallery remains open (almost) every day 11 to 4 and usually later recently. We've noticed that our visitors are arriving later in the day, no doubt because of the repairs at The Dip which force closure of the road between North and South Pender Monday to Saturday 10 to 2. Everyone gets a reprieve from the work on Sunday. 

We hope you'll venture to South Pender to see us but if you can't make it, you can always peruse our work online.

We wish you delightful, memorable times with family and friends as summer makes way for fall.

Susan and Frank

phone/text: 778 891 9437



(posted on 7 Jul 2024)

Dear friends of the Blood Star,

Covid did it. We were sequestered at home by a long mutual bout in early 2024 and collaborative collage work took hold of us. Frank had adopted collage enthusiastically in 2022 and Susan finally caught the bug this year - pun intended, after a decade-long admiration for the collage work of American artist Fred Tomaselli.

We'll be showing our collaborative collages and much more, along with ten other passionate, talented Pender Island artists, at the upcoming ART OFF THE FENCE Show, now in its 28th year. 

Saturday and Sunday, July 20 and 21, 11 am to 5 pm with a special artists' tour of the show Saturday at 3 pm. We hope you'll join us. It'll be fun and interesting; each participating artist will give us a little insight into their inspiration and process.

Yes, there's the Dip to contend with. The road to South Pender will almost certainly be closed for repair work on the Dip between 10 and 2 on Saturday but if you come to the show early we won't turn you away. Plan to stay with us for the day, bring a picnic, David Lumley and Friends will be providing music in the afternoon, you can visit Brooks Point, enjoy a nosh at Poets Cove Resort. Make it a memorable day on South Pender. There'll be no work on the Dip on Sunday. And the Legion will be providing food on Sunday.

And once ART OFF THE FENCE is a wrap, we'll be heading to Vancouver Island for the Sooke Show where one of Susan's tree inspired pieces, What Trees Know, will be on exhibit. The Sooke Show runs July 27 to August 5.

We hope to see you on South Pender or in Sooke this month.

And if you're going to be in Richmond, it's the last month to catch Susan's public art installation Lines and Nets at the Aberdeen Canada Line Station on #3 Road. We have yet to figure out what to do with the four 6.5 x 6 foot pieces in this installation. Ideas?

We wish you a wonderful July doing delightful summertime things with family and friends.


Taylor / Ducote, It's for the Birds, acrylic and collage on cradled panel, 60 x 40 x 1.5

Susan and Frank

Still crazily together after cutting / collaging 286 leaves, 111 cherries, 11 birds, 24 flowers and many slender blades of grass

Blood Star Gallery


(posted on 30 May 2024)

Dear friends of the Blood Star,

Ocean Week Canada is coming up June 1 to 9 with the big day being Saturday, June 8. There'll be many activities in Steveston to bring awareness to all things ocean.

The ocean and all of its inhabitants are some of Susan's favourite subjects. Plankton is crucial to all of us. Its organisms provide us with half of the oxygen we breathe, it forms the base of the ocean food chain, it's a sink for the carbon dioxide we produce and yet, for the most part it's invisible to the naked eye. Susan's upcoming exhibit The Importance of Plankton celebrates the beauty of these essential organisms. 

If we take care of the oceans, they'll take care of us.


Señor Burrito by Frank Ducote, acrylic on wood cradle, 14 x 11

Frank's bold and loving portraits of farm animals are proving popular. Señor Burrito is the latest one to leave the Blood Star. He has promised to have additional work in this series available for this year's ART OFF THE FENCE Show and Sale on South Pender Island. Mark your calendars and book your ferry travel.


Our best to you,

Susan and Frank

Blood Star Gallery

South Pender Island


(posted on 3 Mar 2024)

Dear friends of the Blood Star,

A recent getaway to Mexico has recharged our creative and solar batteries. Mexico City is bursting with fine art and Diego Rivera's huge canvases replete with social commentary were a highlight. We've read that artists are allowed to pay their taxes by contributing their art in lieu to the state which probably accounts for the terrific collections in Mexico.

Carnaval de la Vida Mexicana by Diego Rivera, 1936

We're getting work ready for the 25th annual South Pender Art Walk coming up Easter Sunday, March 30, noon to 5. When we started the Art Walk we were just a handful of artists living and working close together and it was possible to walk to our studios; the number of creatives on South Pender has increased dramatically and you might find it difficult to visit all of us but you'll probably want to come by car or bike or maybe horse, if you have one. We hope you'll make it to see us, we're #12 on the map.

Frank has been painting a series of farm animal portraits after receiving a commission for a whimsical cow from one of his favourite collectors. Meet Bandito! And look for more work in this series at Easter.

Bandito by Frank Ducote, acrylic on cradled panel, 14 x 11, commission

Susan's thrilled with her recent success in a public art competition. Work from her photographic series Lines and Nets: A Terrible Beauty is now installed at the Aberdeen Skytrain Station on No. 3 Road in Richmond and will be there through July 2024. After serving as a juror for public art and gallery exhiibitions over the past several years, it's pretty sweet to now have this success as an artist. The Terrible part of the Beauty comes about when damaged and abandoned nets and lines ensnare marine animals. There seems to be some awareness building on the part of those who manufacture and use these goods and fledgling recovery and recycling efforts are underway. Here are two of the four images that comprise Susan's installation.

Lines and Nets I by Susan Taylor, photograph, public art installation 2024

Lines and Nets II by Susan Taylor, photograph, public art installation 2024

We've also started to produce some joint work recently, large-scale colourful  collages. More on those in our next newsletter if we manage to keep working together peaceably. 

We wish you good health and creative energy and hope you seize each day with gusto. We look forward to seeing you soon.


Susan and Frank

Blood Star Gallery

(posted on 2 Nov 2023)

Dear friends of the Blood Star,

We have a lot happening in the coming few months and hope you’ll want to plug in to some of it.

Our 25th anniversary sale is fast approaching. Twenty-five years and counting for both the Blood Star Gallery and our relationship! Who would have imagined this! We consider ourselves very lucky indeed on both counts.

For one day only, Sunday, November 12, 10 am to 2 pm, we’ll take 25 percent off available work in the gallery and online at If you can’t visit us in person, please call or text 778 891 9437 with any questions or to arrange a purchase.

We’re happy to be returning to the Steveston Museum for the month of December. Frank will be showing collages and some new digital work; Susan will be showing some new drawn nests  and work from her new photographic series Lines and Nets.

DUCOTE, Do We Have a Quorum?, collage on wood panel, 16 x 16

DUCOTE, Dawn Over the Salish Sea, face mounted digital painting, 24 x 18

A couple of Susan’s new drawn nests have been juried into the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria’s Winter Small Works Exhibit which opens November 9 and runs through January 27.

TAYLOR, Small Nest I, ink and watercolour on paper, 11 x 11 framed

Susan’s drawing of moon jellies has been accepted by the jury for the upcoming Federation of Canadian Artists Water Exhibit that opens November 28 and runs until December 10 at the FCA Gallery on Granville Island.

And finally, Susan is tickled pink to have her submission based on her Lines and Nets series accepted by the jury for a public art installation in Richmond in 2024. Details to follow in the new year.

TAYLOR, future public art installation

We’ll look forward to seeing you or hearing from you over the coming weeks. As ever, we are very grateful for your support of what we love to do.


Our best to you,

Susan and Frank

(posted on 30 Jun 2023)

Dear friends of the Blood Star,

Frank has immersed himself into the deep end of the collage pool in recent months. This piece entitled When is Too Much Never Enough represents this new direction in his work.

Frank's view of the contemporary art scene is that almost everything is some form of collage or assemblage.

Ever since Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso started it all and Jean-Michel Basquiat notably extended it with multiple seemingly unrelated snapshots, collage continues to be a powerful artistic direction. As has the still life as a perennial subject matter.

DUCOTE, When is Too Much Never Enough, 16x16, paint and paper collage on wood panel


The sight, sounds and smells of twelve beautiful cherry trees being felled one morning in April this year has made an indelible impression on Susan and is reflected in her work ever since. It has underscored for her yet again the importance of trees and has also given her an enhanced understanding of the motivation of the brave people who risk their own safety to protect old growth forests.

A new series The Importance of Trees has evolved in the last several months.

TAYLOR, The Importance of Trees, ink and gouache on paper mounted on wood cradles, each piece 6 x 6

Frank's collages (and more, there's always more with Frank) and work from Susan's new series will be shown at the 27th annual Art Off the Fence Show and Sale July 15 and 16 on South Pender Island.

And, one of Susan's pieces from this series has been accepted by the jury for the Federation of Canadian Artists annual On the Edge Exhibit on Granville Island, opening in late July.

We wish you a glorious summer weekend and a celebratory Canada Day. We are so fortunate to live in Canada!

Susan and Frank

Blood Star Gallery

(posted on 22 Mar 2023)


Dear friends of the Blood Star,

There's nothing like a deadline! We both need them. The upcoming Easter Sunday Art Walk on South Pender Island has us focussed on finishing new work and filling holes in our gallery walls. If you're planning to be on the Pender Islands on Easter weekend we hope you'll join in the 24th annual tour of our little island's studios and galleries. The Blood Star is at #11 on the map.

If you're on Granville Island in the coming weeks, the juried Bloom Exhibition is on the walls at the Federation of Canadian Artists' Gallery and Susan's flora, fragmented is included among many beautiful floral works and ikebana too. Susan's piece was inspired by the most extravagant bouquet she's seen - a breathtaking clutch of at least two dozen cut scarlet amaryllis at the entrance to Sotheby's New York auction house. Bloom opened yesterday and continues through April 2. It's sure to lift the spirits!

flora, fragmented, ink, w/c, gouache on paper on cradled wood panel, 12" x 18"

Then, beginning April 4 and running until April 14, the FCA's annual Small Exhibition will be up in their Gallery. Susan's piece Life is Like a Box of Chocolates, You Never Know What You'll Get was selected by the jury. We're eager to see the smalls in this show.

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates..., ink, w/c, on paper on cradled wood panel, 8" x 8"

Frank has been working on collages for the past few months and will have many on the Blood Star walls during the Easter Art Walk.

Slack Tide, painted paper collage on cradled wood panel, 24" x 36" x 1.5"

And finally, it may seem early but we'd suggest you mark your calendars for this year's Art Off the Fence Show and Sale, July 15 and 16 on South Pender. The ferries are getting busier; reserving well ahead of mid-July would be a good idea.

We wish you a joyful spring and look forward to seeing you soon.

Susan and Frank

Blood Star Gallery

(posted on 6 Dec 2022)

Dear friends of the Blood Star,

If you're going to be in Richmond or Steveston during December we hope you'll drop by the Steveston Museum to see our Winter Show. And if you give us a heads up, we'll do our best to meet you there. 778 891 9437 text or phone


Salmon Face I by Frank Ducote, collage mounted on cradled wood panel, 9" x 12" 


Rockfish by Frank Ducote, collage mounted on cradled wood panel, 9" x 12"


A Nest for Three by Susan Taylor, 4.5" x 4.5", framed 10" x 10"

Season's Greetings. We wish you warm, healthy times with loved ones.

Thank you for supporting us in what we love to do.

Susan and Frank 

(posted on 17 Oct 2022)

Dear friends of the Blood Star,

After a couple of years without much travel, we decided to venture out, vaccinated and masked, to see new sights. We're not getting any younger and there are too many places we want to visit and revisit.

The Hudson Valley in New York State didn't disappoint. So much fascinating history - in the visual arts, it was where landscape painting  started to gain favour in North America. Prior to Thomas Cole's and Frederick Church's arrival, and what's become known as the Hudson River School of painting, those who wanted to own art favoured portraits of themselves or their loved ones. More recently, with the leadership of Pete and Toshi Seeger and others, it's where the environmental movement took hold in the US. They encouraged people to think globally and act locally as they worked to clean up the polluted Hudson River that was suffering from long term industrial abuse. We saw the boat Clearwater being lovingly tended at anchor. Such a small boat had such a large impact with its educational, consciousness-raising work on the river.

Previously unknown to us, the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art is a marvel. It's said to be the largest art museum in the US, a former fabric printing factory complex of low rise brick buildings, it houses some very exciting, large art. Fantastical ceramic creations by Francesca DiMattio and works by Anselm Kiefer were among our favourites.

Frank with work by Francesca DiMattio at Mass MOCA

Work by Anselm Kiefer from his Velimir Chlebnikov series at Mass MOCA

On the homefront, we're very happy to have work in The Gallery George this month. Frank is showing digital work; Susan is showing  work from the Life is Like a Box of Chocolates series. And we'll both have work in the The Gallery George's Autumnal Equinox show, November 2 - 27. The Gallery George is at 1502 East Hastings Street in Vancouver, hours are Wednesday to Sunday noon to 6 pm with Crawl hours during the very popular Eastside Culture Crawl November 17 - 20.

from Susan's Life is Like a Box of Chocolates series showing this month at The Gallery George

Frank's Birds at Olympic Village showing at The Gallery George in November

Susan will have work in the Federation of Canadian Artists' juried Mixed, and Water exhibits in November at the FCA Gallery on Granville Island.

And we're very happy to be going back to show our work at the Steveston Museum for the month of December, beginning December 3. We loved our time there last December.

And now to get back to work.

Our best to all of you,

Susan and Frank

(posted on 2 Sep 2022)

Dear friends of the Blood Star,

The excitement is building. Tomorrow's the day! The 12th annual Grand Prix of Art starts at 10 am with over one hundred painters taking over the bank of the mighty Fraser River in and around Steveston. Early tomorrow morning participants will be assigned their painting locations by lottery, rush to get set up at their assigned spots, and start to  paint at 10 am. At 1 pm, brushes are to be put down and the painters will frame their pieces for the judging that commences at 2 pm in the Heritage Shipyards Net Loft. The works will be on display for the rest of the afternoon and through 4 pm Sunday. Frank is registered and eager to get started. If you'd like to cheer him on, in person, or electronically, you'll be able to find his location after 10 am tomorrow at

Shipyards III by F. Ducote, acrylic on cradled wood panel

Susan's excitement this week has been the publication of writer David Greer's article The Importance of Plankton that features some  work from her series of the same name. Ever since Susan read "every second breath we take is thanks to plankton" she's been learning about these essential, mostly invisible organisms and striving to show their beauty in the belief that if we can't see something most of us tend not to care about it. We must care. Plankton absorbs carbon dioxide, produces half of our oxygen, forms the base of the oceans' food chain, and is being threatened by climate change, ocean acidification and pollution, and now, we are learning microplastics. Without plankton, we're hooped. You can find David Greer's excellent article online.

Susan's also happy to have her Harvesting Garlic piece accepted for the juried Mixed Exhibit opening in October at the Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery on Granville Island, Vancouver. And now that the hectic pace of summer is letting up she's starting work on commissions.

Harvesting Garlic by S. Taylor, ink, watercolour and gouache on paper

We hope you're relishing the remaining sultry days of summer with friends and family.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Our best to you,

Susan and Frank


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